
Munib R. Masri

The Munib and Angela Masri Foundation

The founder of the Munib and Angela Masri Foundation shares insights from more than 60 years of philanthropy in Palestine, focusing on education, healthcare, culture, and civil society.

Munib R. Masri

Munib R. Masri is founder and chairman of the Palestine Development & Investment Company (Padico), the largest private investor in Palestine. He also founded the Engineering and Development Group (Edgo), a company with 29 global operations.

In 1970, he established the Munib R. Masri Development Foundation (MDF), which seeks to strengthen Palestinian communities at home and abroad. Focus areas include education, healthcare, the environment, culture, and civil society in Palestine.

The organisation, which was renamed the Munib and Angela Masri Foundation in 2020, is committed to encouraging Palestinians living abroad to help build a Palestinian nation. It has established several research entities, and also funded the Faculty of Engineering at An-Najah National University.